Table of Contents
Champion Skins
Primordian Aatrox
When the Primordians first attacked, humanity was unprepared-until Anima Squad formed to become its last defense. But they are safe no longer, for the Primordians evolved in turn. Their apex being is called Aatrox, whose understanding of humanity only furthers his hatred. His flesh has no limits, his sword no mercy. He is the harbinger of Anima’s end.
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Primordian Aatrox
Hi all!
“The dawn of the Primordians is at hand.”
Legendary skin, Primordian Aatrox, is heading onto the Rift, featuring:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom animations and recall!
Custom VO!
Primordian Aatrox is set to be 1820 RP and is available to play on PBE. As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Primordian Briar
Briar was an early draft of Aatrox’s perfection, but was deemed a “failure”-because instead of using her finely-honed mind to get back at surface-dwellers, she loves humans! Now that Briar has joined up with Anima Squad, maybe they can show her how to be more than what she was made to be.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread – Primordian Briar
Hello All!
“Nice to meet you! I’m hungry. I mean… Briar!”
Primordian Briar is heading onto the Rift with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom recall Animation!
Primordian Briar is set to be 1350 RP.
Primordian Briar is available on PBE! As players who get a first-hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Battle Wolf Yasuo
The first captain of the Wolf Squad, Yasuo fought alongside Riven in the early days of the invasion. He disappeared only to reemerge years later a battle-hardened survivalist, still wearing is original suit. He’s here to warn Anima Squad that the enemy has evolved-and if they want to survive, they’ll need all hands (and paws) on deck.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Battle Wolf Yasuo
“Justice. That’s a pretty word.”
Battle Wolf Yasuo comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Battle Wolf Yasuo is set to be 1350 RP and should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Battle Bear Illaoi
Every Anima Squad recruit knows Illaoi’s booming laugh-and her notoriously tough training sessions-all too well. As someone always looking towards the future, it may seem strange that she is also Anima Squad’s keeper of the Old Ways. But Illaoi knows that there was life before Final City, and she will ensure life continues after the war is done.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Battle Bear Illaoi
“I break hearts. I break spines.”
Battle Bear Illaoi comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Battle Bear Illaoi is set to be 1350 RP and should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Battle Lion Leona
Leona is Anima Squad’s reliant front-line defense, big sister, and official wrangler of its wilder members. Someone has to make sure those fire starters from the demolitions team get safely back to base! Don’t think Leona can’t bring the pain on her own, though. when it comes to battle, you will hear her roar!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Battle Lion Leona
“The dawn has arrived.”
Battle Lion Leona comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Battle Lion Leona is set to be 1350 RP and should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Prestige Battle Lion Leona
2000 Event Tokens
Sporting the latest in fashionable activewear for any on-the-go warrior, Leona defends her title of “Pride of the Runway” as easily as she rocks a bold lip color. Saving the world is important, but doing it with style? That’s what Anima Squad is all about.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Prestige Battle Lion Leona
“Chosen of the sun.”
Prestige Battle Lion Leona comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Prestige Battle Lion Leona should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Victorious Kog’Maw
Swarm Icons
“This icon was released in store to celebrate the release of Swarm in 2024.”
250RP each
Anima Squad Border Icon
Aatrox, Briar, Yasuo, Illaoi, Leona
Anima Squad Chroma Icon
Aatrox, Briar, Yasuo, Illaoi, Leona
“Battle Lion Leona Overrive Chroma Icon”
Prestige Leona Icon
Victorious Kog’Maw
TFT Ranked Reward
Gold, Plat, Emerald, Diamond, Master, Grandmaser, Challenger
Hyper Roll Ranked reward emotes
TFT Doulbe Up Ranked Reward Emotes
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.15 Chromas
Primordian Aatrox
Primordian Briar
Battle Wolf Yasuo
Battle Bear Illaoi
Battle Lion Leona
Loot Assets
Magic n’ Mayhem Overview
Chibi Champions
Chibi MissFortune
Chibi Battle bunny Miss Fortune
Chibi Galaxy Slayer Zed
Prestige Chibi Cafe Cuties Gwen

Little Legends
Magican Sprite
Bee Bee (Bun Bun)
Scarlet Mage Bun Bun
Cafe Cuties Bun Bun
Coven Bun Bun
Arcana Bun Bun

PBE Bugs and Feedback Thread: Arena
Hello everyone! Riot Ducké here, QA Lead for Modes.
Arena is receiving a content drop with patch 14.15! And this will be hitting PBE starting July 16th! (Live Now!)
Now let’s dive into the changes
Koi Pond:
Close Time increased from 5.4s > 10.8s
Respawn Time increased from 6.6s > 3.2s
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the Chemtech Blastcones would behave like a normal Blastcone after being used once.
Moved the Blastcone on the North Island slightly closer to the center.
Blastcone cooldown increased from 5>10s.
Removed the Blastcone on the South East Island.
Hexgate Cooldown reduced from 12>8s. (Koi Pond only)
More Brush has been added to each island.
Player Spawn Locations
Players can no longer spawn on the South East Island.
Ring of Fire
The initial size increased by 16%. (Koi Pond only)
Making it so you have more time before the initial ring starts to shrink and are able to respond.
The Ring can now close on any island but it is much more likely to close to choose the South East Island.
Clicking on an island when the Lillypad is closed will no longer cause your champion to stand still, and instead will move you to the closest point on the edge of your island.
New Items and Augments for you to try out in the Rings of Wrath!
Stats on Stats!
Stats on Stats on Stats!
Slime Time
Dual Wield
Quest: Prismatic Egg
Ultimate Roulette
Fire Sale
Fruits of Your Labor
Fan the Hammer
Summoner Revolution
Light Warden
Kinkou Jitte
Twin Masks
Reaper’s Toll
Black Hole Gauntlet
Hexbolt Companion
Lightning Rod
Diamond-Tipped Spear
Twilight’s Edge
Pyromancer’s Cloak
Please let us know if you have any feedback about the content drop or if you experience any bugs!
See you in the Rings of Wrath!