New skins have been revealed! Check out new Street Demon skins for Brand, Rengar, Neeko, Zyra & Mundo! The Crystalis Motus Taliah has also been revealed! Champion Skins Bring your boldest ideas and let the colors fly. Street Demon skins are now available on PBE! — League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) August 29, 2023…
13.17 Balance Changes Preview
View of upcoming Balance changes for patch 13.17 in League of Legends is here! Full list can be found below, the original list was posted by Riot These Changes are tentative and may be changed/removed before released! Champions BUFFS NERFS Elise AA Damage: 10/20/30/40 (+20% AP) >>> 12/22/32/42 (+20% AP) AA Healing: 4/6/8/10 (+8% AP)…
Immortal Journey Skins now available!
New skins have been released in the store! New set of Immortal Journey skins is out for purchase now! This set includes skins for Shyvana, Kayle, Zed, Zeri, a Legendary skin for Soraka and a Prestige skin for Sona! View the below! Champion Skins Immortal Journey Soraka 1820RP A child of Sprouting Courage School monks,…
13.17 PBE Patch 15/08/23
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 13.17. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is…
Cosmic Skins Preview
Riot has posted previews for upcoming skins in patch 13.17! New skins for Nautilious, Bel,Veth, Nunu, Sion & a new mythic chromas for Jhin is coming! View them Below Champion Skins Entrusted with Celestial strength, these novae will vanquish oblivion. Or burn out trying. Cosmic skins are now available on PBE! — League…
13.16 PBE Bugs & Feedback Threads update
he PBE Bugs & Feedback threads have been updated! The posts are created to gather feedback for skins releasing in each patch! Here you can view the updates for each skin gathered together! This patch features second set of the Soul Fighter skins! See the updates below! Champion skins Immortal Journey Soraka Updates: Starcall (Q)…
13.16 Balance Changes Preview
review of upcoming Balance changes for patch 13.16 in League of Legends is here! Full list can be found below, the original list was posted by Riot These Changes are tentative and may be changed/removed before released! Champions BUFFS NERFS Milio Q Base Damage: 90/135/180/225/270 (+ 90% AP) >>> 80/140/200/260/320 (+ 120% AP) E Base…
Soul Fighter Skins part 2 are out now!
New Soul Fighter Skins have been released! Champion Skins Soul Fighter Viego 1820RP The gracious—if needlessly reclusive—host of the Tournament of Souls welcomes all to his arena! Look at him now, eyeing the competition from his throne room high above the ring! Doesn’t his solitude just make ya sad, folks? Here’s hoping he hops down from…
13.16 PBE Patch 01/08/23
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 13.16. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is…
Immortal Journey Skins Reveal
New skins have been revealed! New set of Immortal Journey for Soraka, Shyvana, Zed, Zeri, Kayle and Sona + Prestige is coming out in patch 13.16. check them below! Skins Preview Find your serenity on the path to enlightenment ⛰️ Immortal Journey Soraka, Shyvana, Zed, Zeri, Kayle and Sona are now available on PBE!…