Below is a written down list of all balance changes upcoming in patch 13.3 expected to release on 8th on February. Remember these changes are tentative and might be adjusted or removed before patch hits live servers!
RiotPhreak shared a video featuring upcoming changes for support champions!
Passive move speed 8% >> 10% E on hit damage ratio .2 >> .25 E missing health active 8-10% >> 8-12%
Q mana cost: 40-60 >> 45-65 E base damage: 80-200 >> 65-205
Lee Sin
Q1 bonus AD ratio: 1.0 >> 1.2 E now a total AD ratio E slow 20-60% >> 20-80%
E cooldown refresh: 1s >> 0.75s E damage 80-180 >> 60-180 R damage 80-120 >> 70-110 (stacks also nerfed)
Kayn [Assasin]
P shadow assassin bonus damage: 13%-40% >> 15%-45% Q bonus AD ratio: 65% >> 80%
W AP Ratio: 4% per 100 AP >> 3% per 100 AP E damage 60-260 (+90% AP) >> 60-240 (+80 AP)
Jarvan IV
Base armor: 34 >> 36 W cd: 9 >> to 8 W shield duration: 5 seconds >> 4 W shield now scales with 90% bonus AD
not on the official post?
Q knocup duration: 1s >> 0.65s Q Stun Dyration 1-1.25s >> 1s W min. stun: 0.35-0.75 >> 0.3-0.5 R Resist Lost: 65% Bonus >> 85% Bonus
W cd: 18-14 seconds >> 16-12 s Dance emote now scales wih MS
MP5: 6 >> 8 Mana Regen Growth: 0.8 >> 1 Q Mana 50-70 >> 50 R CD: 60-30s >> 50-30s
Support Tanks
See list below
P self heal: 23-142 >> 5% max health (about 40% buff) P ally heal: 46-284 >> 6% of Alistars max health (about 15% nerf) Q cost: 55-75 >> 50-7- Q AP ratio: .5 >> .7 W cost: 65-85 >> 50-70 W AP ratio: .5 >> .9 E cost: 50-90 >> 50-70 E AP ratio: .4 >> .7
Base health regen :: 8.5 >>> 10 Base health :: 610 >>> 640 P – Concussive Blows target immunity :: 8 / 6 / 4 seconds at level 1 / 7 / 13 >>> level 1 / 6 / 11 Q – Winter’s Bite cooldown :: 10-6 >>> 8-6
Passive – Staggering Blow bonus damage :: 8-110 >>> 14-116 W – Titan’s Wrath mana cost :: 80 >>> 60 W – Titan’s Wrath shield :: 40-80 + 8-12% max hp >>> 50-90 + 8-12% max hp E – Riptide damage :: 55-175 + .3 >>> 55-195 + .5
Base attack speed and level one attack speed :: .644 >>> .658 Q – Comet Spear mana cost :: 30 >>> 25 Q – Comet Spear cooldown :: 13-8 >>> 11-7
Q – Bone Skewer damage :: 100-300 + .6 >>> 100-300 + 1.0 E – Phantom Undertow damage :: 105-225 + 1.0 >>> 105-265 + 1.0
Q – Gleaming Quill damage :: 70-250 + .7 >>> 70-290 + .9 Q – Gleaming Quill heal :: 30-115 >>> 40-210 W – Battle Dance AP ratio :: .7 >>> .8
P – Damnation AP and armor per stack :: 1.0 >>> 1.25 Q – Death Sentence damage :: 100-260 >>> 100-280 Q – Death Sentence AP ratio :: .5 >>> .75 W – Dark Passage cooldown :: 22-16 >>> 21-17 E – Flay cooldown :: 13-10 >>> 12-10 E – Flay AP ratio :: .4 >>> .6
Radiant Virtue
Cooldown: 60 seconds >>> 90 seconds Maximum health: 10% >>> 15% Total healing: 8% max health over 9 seconds >>> 15% max health over 8 seconds Ability haste aura and healing amplification removed
10+9% Max HP >> 20-300 based on level (buff after lvl 5)
Early Jungle Ganks
Treat Gold: 30s >> 20s XP from large monsters: 75 >> 85 Stealkth Ward trinket CD: 240-120 >> 210-120 Tower Damage: 162-344 (0-14min) >> 182-350(0-14 min)
Umbral Glaive
Cooldown: 40 s >> 50 s No longer instantly kills traps Range Damage to wards: 3 >> 2
Radiant Virtue
Cost: 3000 >> 3200 Cooldown: 60 >> 90 Max HP: 10% >> 15% Healing 8% max HP >> 12% Max HP
Most srouces will now stack multiplicatively together ( general nerf to tenacity stacking)
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