Table of Contents
PBE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 13.6. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is the compilation of new content added in upcoming patch!
New Champion
New champion has been added!
The Gentle Flame
7800 BE / 975RP
P – Fired Up: When Milio’s Abilities touch ally champions, their next Attack or Ability deals 15% = (15%-50%) ally Attack Damage as additional magic damage, plus 25 =(25-80 +20% AP) magic damage over 1.5 seconds
Cooldown: 12s Q – Ultra Mega Fire Kick: Milio kicks a fireball, Knocking Back the first enemy hit. IF it hits, the ball bounces past them and explodes, dealing 90 =(90/135/180/225/270 +90% AP) magic damage to surrounding enemies and Sloqing them by 40% =(40%/45%/50%/55%/60% +0.05%AP) for 1.5 seconds
W – Cozy Campfire: Milio created a heart that follows ally champions for 6 seconds, Ally champions nearby gain 10% =(10%) Attack Range and restore 80 =(80 15%AP) Health over the duration. The hearth also applies Fired Up! every 3 seconds. |
Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13s Ammor recharge (0.5s) E – Warm Hugs: Milio wraps an ally in protective flames, granting 60 =(60/90/120/150/180 +30%AP) Shield and 15%/17.5%.20%/22.5%/25% Move speed for 2.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 160/145/130 R – Breath of Life: Milio unleashes a wave of soothing flames on nearby ally champions, cleansing Disabling and Immobilizing effects, restoring 150 = (150/250/350 +30%AP) Health, and granting 65% Tenacity for 3 seconds. |
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Milio
Champion Skins
Faerie Queen Karma
All hail Her Majesty, Karma, Queen of the Seelie Court of Light and Beauty! Though her selection and subsequent rise to the throne was a surprise to everyone (nobles, laymen, even Karma herself), she is a beacon of poise and power, overseeing the turning of seasons and keeping the balance between the ever-bickering seasonal sub-courts. Long live the Queen!
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Faerie Queen Karma
Legendary skin, Faerie Queen Karma, is heading onto the Rift, featuring:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom animations and recall!
Custom VO!
Faerie Court Milio
1350 RP
An archmagus of the court wreathed in firefly familiars, Milio knows just about everything that happens within the palace walls. He may seem like a child, but fae are long-lived, and Milio has been a child far longer than others have been adults. Still, he is a friendly face who uses his power to safeguard the Queendom however he can.
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Milio (Base & Faerie Court)
Faerie Court Kalista
Faerie Court Kalista: As captain of Her Majesty’s royal guard, Kalista is dedicated to keeping her queen safe above all else. Though some grumble that Kalista was only elevated to her station because she is Karma’s dearest friend, she has proven time and time again that her title is well earned. Anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to duel her and learn firsthand.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Kalista
Representing Autumn, Faerie Court Kalista comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Faerie Court Fiora
As ambassador of the Spring Court, Fiora has a deep love for her people… even if that love often leads her to resolve conflict via impassioned duels rather than words. The last faerie queen was Fiora’s mother, and she believes her mother’s untimely death was no mistake. She wants answers, and she will administer justice at the tip of her sword.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Fiora
Representing Spring, Faerie Court Fiora comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Faerie Court Ezreal
Though he is a lord of the Summer Court, Ezreal would much rather be investigating ancient magical history than putting up with all the political drama. When his research reveals something curious about the Faerie queen’s line of succession, however, Ezreal discovers that someone may have placed Karma upon the throne for their own purposes…
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Ezreal
Representing Summer, Faerie Court Ezreal comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Faerie Court Seraphine
A sunny siren of the Summer Court, it was Lady Seraphine’s skillful makeover talents that helped get Karma and Kalista ready to face the nobility with style. She is a master of courtly manners and was more than happy to teach her new friends everything that really counts about being fabulous!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Seraphine
Representing Summer, Faerie Court Seraphine comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Faerie Court Katarina
Though Katarina is an official diplomatic envoy hailing from the Unseelie Court of Truth and Shadow, you wouldn’t know it from all the side-eyed glances and disapproving frowns she receives from closed-minded courtiers. No matter: with daggers in hand and a mystery afoot, Katarina has her own agenda.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Faerie Court Katarina
Representing Winter, Faerie Court Katarina comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Prestige Faerie Court Katarina
Don’t let the butterflies fool you: otherworldly elegance may be Katarina’s game, but that gala-ready look is sharper than her knives. Fashion is a metamorphosis, after all. Try to keep up.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Prestige Faerie Court Katarina
Prestige Faerie Court Katarina comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX
Ashen Guardian Shen
A devotee of the principles of his now slain leader, Shen still walks the castle grounds, wielding his master’s blade alongside his own. Perhaps some small part of him recognizes, with each blow to his armor from travelers seeking ancient riches, that his guard is senseless. But life must have meaning. Even life as endless as this.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Ashen Guardian Shen
Ashen Guardian Shen comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Ashen Guardian Shen (Emberwoken) Mythic Chroma
Ward Skins
New Ward skin has been added!
New emotes have been added! All these are the TFT pass emotes!
Faerie Court Emotes
Karma, Seraphine, Fiora, Katarina, Milio
Ashen Gruardian Shen emote
New Esports Emotes!
These Emotes have been confirmed to be purchasable in the store
TFT Double Up Ranked reward emotes
TFT Ranked reward emotes
TFT Ranked reward emotes
New Icons have been added!
Faerie Court Border Icon, Faerie Court Chroma Icon
A free mission exclusive Faerie court icon, A paid milestone exclusive Faerie Court icon
A free mission exclusive Faerie Court icon, An event pass exclusive Faerie Court icon
An Icon crafted w/ the 125 Mythic Essence shop item
Ashen guardian Shen Border icon, Ashen guardian Shen chroma icon
Faerie Queen Karma
Faerie Court Milio
Faerie Court Kalista
Faerie Court Fiora
Faerie Court Ezreal
Faerie Court Seraphine
Faerie Court Katarina
Ashen Knight Shen
Chibi Champions
New Little Legends
Super Shork
Bite Size Shork
Star Guardian Shork
Star Nemesis Shork
Mythic Ultra Threat Whisker
Nemesis Nimblefoot
Red Hot Dango
Lightning Quick Dango
Swift Blue Dango
Fierce Rose Dango
Resplendent Rango
Star Guardian Scuttle
Star Nemesis Scuttle
Swole Scuttle
Dapper Scuttle
Pulsefire Noctero
Star Guardian Noctero
Star Nemesis Noctero
Gentle Hoot Noctero
Weight Drop boom
Multi Rocket boom
Pulse canon boom
New arenas
Whisker’s Mewtant Lab (Legendary exclusive pass arena)
A Purrfect Plan (chroma exclusive pass arena)
Hiss-story in the Making (chroma exclusive pass arena)
Hiss-story in the Making (chroma exclusive pass arena)
Hecarims Splash Art has been updated, posted by League of Legends Brasil
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Previous Patches:
[13.1] [13.2] [13.3] [13.4] [13.5]