Table of Contents
BE has been updated! This post will contain all new assets added in patch 14.2. As a reminder everything here comes from the PBE (Public Beta Environment) server update and may be changed before the final release in the main client. Patches usually last 2 weeks (Patch release schedule can be found here). Below is the compilation of new content added in upcoming patch!
New Champion
New champion!
Smolder Abilities Rundown
Passive – Dragon Practice
Smolder gains stacks of Dragon Practice whenever he kills a unit with Super Scorcher Breath or hits an enemy champion with an ability. Each stack increases the damage of his basic abilities.
Q – Super Scorcher Breath
Smolder shoots a ball of flame at his target. This ability evolves as he gains stacks of Dragon Practice. At the first tier, it explodes around the target. At the second tier, it sends out extra explosions beyond the target. At the final tier, it deals true damage over time and executes low-health enemies.
W – Achooo!
Smolder sneezes out a fiery glob that damages and slows enemies. Hitting an enemy champion sparks an explosion around them.
E – Flap, Flap, Flap
Smolder takes flight, gaining Move Speed and ignoring terrain for a short time. He fires a barrage of flame at an enemy in range, prioritizing enemy champions with the lowest health.
Smolder calls out to his mom for help. She breathes a huge wave of fire over a long range, damaging enemies in her path. Those caught in the center are slowed and take extra damage. If she hits Smolder, the flames heal him.
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread: Smolder (Base & Heavenscale) 🐲
🔥My mom’s the biggest, baddest dragon around, and she’s gonna burn you 🐲
Good news everyone! Smolder’s hitting PBE soon and we’re all excited for you take take flight as the Fiery Fledgling!
I’m a QA Engineer on the Champs team and I’m making a thread to collect feedback and post announcements for any updates to Smolder. We have around a week before locking in any changes for his release, so will be keeping an eye out and sharing feedback with the team for possible adjustments. Some of these were heard of and we are already making some changes to the textures on his face for base skin.
Smolder is also not releasing during the 14.2 patch cycle and will be released in 14.3, so he’ll have an extended PBE period.
Here’s a rundown on his kit:
P – Dragon Practice: Hitting enemy champs with abilities and killing enemies with Q grants him a stack of Dragon Practice, increasing the damage of Smolder’s basic abilities
Q – Super Scorcher Breath: Spews fire at a target. Based on the number of stacks, the ability evolves. 25 stacks = Creates an AOE explosion on Q’s target. 125 Stacks = Sends explosions behind the target. 225 = Burns the target for a few seconds. Executes enemies below a certain threshold.
W – Achooo! : Smolder sneezes a globule of fire that damages and slows targets hit. Hitting champs creates a small explosion around the area of impact
E – Flap, Flap, Flap: Takes flight with extra move speed and ignores terrain. Will launch a barrage of attacks on enemies inside Smolder’s range. The number of attacks increases with crit.
R – MMOOOMMMM!: Smolder calls for his mom’s help and she breathes fire down lane damaging and slowing enemies. Heals Smolder if he’s inside the fire.
If you encounter any in-game bugs while playing Smolder and/or his Heavenscale skin, please let us know by dropping some info here in the thread or through our Bug Reporting Tool. Providing repro steps and a video are very helpful for debugging as well!
Have a great day and see you on the rift!
Champion Skins
14.2 – Primal Ambush
Those lucky enough to be born with glowing markings on their skin are revered among their people as “Favorclaw.” These special Tigrasbornes are destined to represent their community and demand the respect of others with their strength They each hope to conquer the world in the name of their kind and become the leader feared by all.
Primal Ambush Sivir
Born into greatness, Sivir quickly discovered that her enhanced capabilities were the key to earning higher mercenary payouts. As a master of instinct, she clawed her way through countless battles and struck down any target in the way of her coin. However, her current bounty, the leader of the Favorclaw, may prove to be a beast beyond even her reach.
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Sivir
Primal Ambush Sivir is stalking the Rift featuring:
Custom Models and Textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall (B) Animation!
Primal Ambush Sivir is an Epic skin set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE today!
Primal Ambush Vi
Respected throughout the land for her strength, Vi is known to all as the leader of the Favorclaw. Although many envy her status, she stands above her competitors, unphased and eager for any challengers worthy of her furious fists. Until then, she searches the world for a mythical Wildstripe said to transcend a Favorclaw’s power to unfathomable heights.
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Vi
Primal Ambush Vi has clawed her way onto the Rift featuring:
Custom Models and Textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall (B) Animation!
Primal Ambush Vi is an Epic skin set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE today!
Primal Ambush Talon
A ruthless assassin feared and respected by many, Talon roams the world with one goal: eliminate each and every other Favorclaw until only he remains. When he catches wind that a stubborn mercenary was contracted to take down the leader of the Favorclaw before he can complete his mission, he gleefully realizes that a new hunt is about to begin.
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Talon
Primal Ambush Talon is heading onto the Rift with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom recall Animation!
Primal Ambush Talon is an Epic skin set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Thanks!
Primal Ambush Riven
After a fierce bout with Vi left both her weapon and her confidence shattered, Riven was forced to return to her roots. Due to her unyielding bravery, even in the face of defeat, her community bestowed her with a powerful Wildstripe that reforges her blade in times of need. She trains tirelessly for the day that she can prove she’s worthy of their gift.
PBE Bug Thread – Primal Ambush Riven
Primal Ambush Riven has pounced onto the Rift featuring:
Custom Models and Textures
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall (B) Animation!
Primal Ambush Riven is an Epic skin set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE today!
14.3 – Heavenscale
Heavenscale Smolder
Heavenscale Lee Sin
All hail the Prince of Dragons, heir to the throne of the heavenly Kingdom of Dragons! A noble and just prince, Lee Sin is deeply devoted to his people. When he hears the telltale crackle of fireworks just below the clouds, he knows it’s time to learn more about his human subjects—and how they greet the New Year with a bang!
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Heavenscale Lee Sin
Legendary skin, Heavenscale Lee Sin, is heading onto the Rift, featuring:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom animations and recall!
Custom VO!
Heavenscale Lee Sin is set to be 1820 RP and is available to play on PBE. As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
PBE Bug & Feedback Thread – Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin is a Mythic Variant of Heavenscale Lee Sin and compared to it, it comes with:
Recolored textures!
Recolored VFX!
Custom dragon finisher!
Additional Custom VO!
New Splash Art!
Changes listed above are NOT locked to be a “standard set” for any future Mythic Variants. In other words, each Mythic Variant will have the changes tailored to the champion and skin it was based on.
Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin is available to play on PBE. As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts. Drop your feedback in the thread below!
Heavenscale Kai’sa
Royal scout and friend to the prince, Kai’Sa is a tenacious dragon who has spent more time beneath the clouds than any of her peers. Though this is the first time she has interacted with humans directly, her observed knowledge and agile grace are sure to be assets while joining them in the New Year’s celebration.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Kai’Sa
“Stay with me, and we live.”
Heavenscale Kai’Sa comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Heavenscale Kai’Sa should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Heavenscale Janna
anna is the most skilled dragon in the kingdom at sorcery (save for the king himself, perhaps), whipping up winds and steering the clouds. The prince asked if she might take him on as a pupil, and Janna happily accepted; but she is looking forward to showing him more whimsical uses of their power. After all, they have a festival to attend.
“In harmony”
Heavenscale Janna comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Heavenscale Janna should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Heavenscale Diana
The library of the Kingdom of Dragons is an illustrious archive of wisdom from ages past: a collection kept by Diana, scholar of the court. A fierce academic as well as a fighter, she accompanies the prince on his journey to document this historical first encounter between dragons and humans.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Diana
“I speak only truth.”
Heavenscale Diana comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Heavenscale Diana should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Heavenscale Master Yi
A prince requires a master of the highest caliber to teach him martial arts, and there is no dragon of greater skill than Master Yi. A true master must be both warrior and poet, champion and artist—and in the spirit of learning, must always be ready for anything.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Master Yi
“Do not let your pride blind you.”
Heavenscale Master Yi comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Heavenscale Master Yi should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Heavenscale Ezreal
Wherever chaos is sown, dragons across the kingdom know to listen for Ezreal’s mischievous laughter. His japes are harmless, but don’t let that merry spirit fool you: he is a shrewd royal scout alongside Kai’Sa who has braved many adventures between bouts of pranking. Dressing up like a human to go party? Now that sounds like his idea of a good time.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Heavenscale Ezreal
“Oh, please don’t die. I can’t lose a sidekick. Not again.”
Heavenscale Ezreal comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom Recall!
Heavenscale Ezreal should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback or questions you have so far down below!
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
2000 Event Tokens
Ezreal’s gilded gala garb is fit for royalty. Adorned in hand-crafted scales and crystal horns, this tastemaker came to the party with a mission: ring in the New Year not just with a bang, but a roar.
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal
“You see this cape? Ha! I say goddamn I’m sexy!”
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal comes with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Prestige Heavenscale Ezreal should be available on PBE soon! Feel free to leave constructive feedback and bug reports you have down below!
Three Honors Akshan
Honor lvl 5 reward
When the Order of Solace found Akshan, he was a soulless weapon of death caught in a cycle of revenge following his mentor’s murder. Even with his despair, the Order’s teachings were able to fill the endless hole within Akshan and rejuvenate him. Now he stands with Malzahar as a Three Honors stalwart, ready to fight the Essents with harmony and quips.
Three Honors Akshan is heading onto the Rift with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom recall Animation!
Three Honors Akshan is set to be a reward skin for our highest honor level players and is available on PBE for 1350 RP! Thanks!
Foreseen Yasuo
PBE Bug Thread – Foreseen Yasuo
Foreseen Yasuo is heading onto the Rift with:
Custom models and textures!
Custom VFX!
Custom SFX!
Custom recall Animation!
Foreseen Yasuo is an Epic skin set to 1350 RP and is available on PBE! Thanks!
Ward skin
Heavenscale Emotes
Sparkling Beauty, Just A Baby, Dragon’s Rage
A Gift For You, No Plan Survives, No False Light, Too Hot
Heavenscale Lee Sin Milestone Emote
Primal Ambrush border icons
“An icon that entitles the border for this champion”
Vi, Sivir, Riven, Talon

Runeterra Smolder Champion Icon
Heavenscale Prosperity Icon, Heavenscale Focus, Heavenscale Signet Icon
Heavenscale Pass icons
Heavenscale Emblem Icon
An icon released as part of the Heavenscale 2024 event.
Heavenscale border icon
Smolder, Lee Sin, Janna, Kai’sa, Diana, Master Yi, Ezreal
Heavenscale Prestige Ezreal icon
Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin Border Icon, Divine Heavenscale Icon
This icon was acquired by as part of the Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin 2024 loot milestones.
Heavenscale chroma icon
Smolder, Lee Sin, Janna, Kai’sa, Diana, Master Yi, Ezreal
Year Of The Dragon 2024 Icon, Fortunate Poro 2024 Icon, Plentiful Wealth Icon
this icon was released in celebration of the 2024 Lunar New Year
Bandle Tale icons
This icon was available for a limited time in celebration of the release of Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story.
Corki, Rumble, Veigar, Yuumi, Tristana, Teemo, Lulu
Esports Icons
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.2 Chromas
Primal Ambush Sivir
Primal Ambush Vi
Primal Ambush Talon
Primal Ambush Riven
PBE Bugs & Feedback Thread: 14.3 Chromas
Heavenscale Smolder
Heavenscale Lee sin
Heavenscale Kai’sa
Heavenscale Janna
Heavenscale Diana
Heavenscale Master Yi
Heavenscale Ezreal
Forseen Yasuo
Loot Assets
Chroma bundles
Chroma bundle
New reward in the event pass: Dragon in Disguise title
(Milestone 55)
Brand VXF Update
New Chibi Champions
Chibi Sona
Chibi Guqin Sona
Chibi Porcelain Lux
Chibi Prestige Dragon Fist Lee Sin
New Little Legends
Liu Li Prancie
Lotus Prancie
Porcelain Prancie
Royal Prancie
Lantern Prancie
Spell SFX Update
Spell SFX Update – Feedback Thread
Riot Pehrek here to collect feedback on some changes our audio team has been hard at work at!
Up till now, spell SFX in League of Legends play from a ‘central’ position from the player’s POV when the camera was focused on the location of the action. But this only happened for on-screen abilities while off-screen abilities were positioned in the area where it is happening (considering left/centered/right).
To help improve gameplay clarity, especially in team fights, the Audio team has made an update to this system to play SFX based on the position of the spell on-screen, with the positions in question being Left, Centered, and Right. So basically, you’ll hear SFX more from left and right instead of just centered when abilities are being cast on-screen.
Here’s a link for an example video of how this shows in-game, with FIGHT A being the current Live audio version and FIGHT B the updated one.
Please hit up this thread with any feedback or issues encountered or DM Riot_Wubs!
Thank you so much and see you on the Rift.
Comment Section
Previous Patches:
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